
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Metal Sculptures of Borrego Springs

As you drive around Borrego Springs you will notice some large shapes in the barren fields.

Metal scuptures of Borrego Springs
"What in the world could that be?"
Welcome to the welded metal sculptures of Ricardo Breceda. In the open desert areas surrounding Borrego Springs are over 130 huge sculptures. Most are historic in nature, showing ancient dinosaurs and mammals that once roamed the Anza-Borrego Desert region before it was a desert. Or perhaps you'll find more recent scenes of native Americans, Spanish monks, or even a big jeep--frozen in time--bounding over the rocky terrain.

Metal scuptures of Borrego Springs
Marlene and her pet Gomphotherium.
Some of the sculptures, though, are fanciful. Like the giant scorpion facing off against a giant cricket. Or the largest of the sculptures, a 350 foot long sea serpent that undulates right across the road!

Quite a few of the sculptures are at Galleta Meadows. Others are scattered around town... and I think I've also seen his work (or a copycat) elsewhere in the countryside closer to San Diego.

After a while one desires something other than "just another photo of a big rusty sculpture."  So we got silly.

Metal scuptures of Borrego Springs
Creature feature: The Attack of the 1950's B Movie! ...Poor Marlene. She's a goner.

Metal scuptures of Borrego Springs
"Drive faster!"

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