
Friday, February 12, 2016

Bath time for a Blue-winged Teal

Blue-winged Teal is one of the more uncommon ducks in the West. So, I'm always happy to see them. I encountered over a dozen at Robb Field at the mouth of the San Diego River on February 1. One particular bird was really enjoying his bath time!

Shakin' his booty!
Blue-winged Teal taking a bath

Dip under and get covered with water.
Blue-winged Teal taking a bath

Work all the water into the plumage.
Blue-winged Teal taking a bath

Dip under again...
Blue-winged Teal taking a bath

Oh, how do I put those feathers back? Bad "hair" day.
Blue-winged Teal taking a bath

All done!
Blue-winged Teal

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