
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Today at Scripps Park, La Jolla

Marlene and I headed out early to the coast this morning to beat the last day of a week of 90-100F heat. We chose the cliffs overlooking La Jolla Cove to start the day. If you arrive at dawn you may be able to find a parking spot. [I wrote a birding site guide for this location here.]

It was 68F and trying to be foggy, but failing. Just perfect!

Sea Lions playing King of the Hill.
Sea Lions playing King of the Hill.
Sea Lion slumber party.
Sea Lion slumber party.
I know, they look so cute. But sea lions aren't potty trained. So, without a breeze, it was quite smelly.

A few common birds were along the walkway.

Western Gull
Western Gull
Rock Pigeon
Rock Pigeon
Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
After a short walk Marlene returned to the car to read her book in the sunshine and great view. I continued a few hundred feet to the west to the Children's Pool--never given to the children because the Harbor Seals took over and decided to birth their pups there.

Children's Pool
Children's Pool
The walkway around the Children's Pool gave close-up views of seals and other sea life.

Harbor Seals enjoying the tide pools
Harbor Seals enjoying the tide pools
Fishing boats offshore
Fishing boats offshore
You see the larger boat about 3/4 miles offshore in the photo above? That's the New Seaforth. Camera phone above, my birding camera below. Canon XTi with 100-400mm zoom lens, giving me about 13x magnification.

New Seaforth.
Actually, I can zoom in even further...

About 3500 feet away
There are a few birds found on rocky shores that are a bit harder to find in San Diego County. I found Black Turnstones and Wandering Tattler, but didn't find Pelagic Cormorant, Black Oystercatcher, or Surfbird--they'll be here through the winter, so I have plenty of time to see them yet this year.

Wandering Tattler.
Sleeping Harbor Seal. F-I-R-M pillows are the best!
Harbor Seal pup
After this stop we continued down the coastal drive stopping at a few other places where Marlene could stick her feet in the water. There was no parking available by the time we reached the jetty area of Mission Bay, so we didn't stay. Then back home we went--a great morning!


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