
Friday, July 28, 2017

Colored pencil: Sulphur

sulphur butterfly
Butterfly, drawn July 23, 2017, based on photo at Santa Ysabel, California June 16, 2017. Greg Gillson.
I am continuing my attempt at photo-realistic colored pencil nature drawings. This butterfly is some kind of sulphur, perhaps a female Orange Sulphur colias eurytheme. I was unable to identify the flowering plant. I learned a lot about the lines on butterfly wings making this drawing--my first attempt at a butterfly.

The out-of-focus background is my second attempt. My first attempt at such a background (not this butterfly) was a flop.

The background alone took about 3 hours, the entire piece about 10 hours. Original size is 5-1/2 x 6-1/2.

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