
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Pacific-slope Flycatcher at Dixon Lake

My old camera could never have taken the photos presented in this post. The low light would have produced unusably dark, blurry, and grainy photos.

6:38 am on a totally overcast morning. Behind a hill from the sun. Along a stream, in the willows under the canopy of sycamore trees. Dark, dark, dark. And look! 1/1000th of a second. I could probably have gotten by at 1/500 and ISO 3100 for less grain.

Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Canon 7D Mark ii and Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6. 1/1000 f/5.6 @260mm, ISO 6200. Pacific-slope Flycatcher. Dixon Lake, California. June 15, 2018.
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Pacific-slope Flycatcher

Two hours later I stopped back by and it was a bit brighter. This time there was some dappled light filtering through. 1/800, f/5.6 @400mm, ISO 4900 and also 1/800, f/7.1 @400, ISO 6200. Amazing!

Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Pacific-slope Flycatcher

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