
Monday, July 9, 2018

White-winged Dove on Ocotillo at Vallecito County Park

I'm not sure why Vallecito County Park, in the Anza-Borrego Desert Sate Park, doesn't get birded more often. Birders visit nearby Agua Calliente County Park, especially for spring migration. But most seem to drive right by this campground without stopping. It's worth a one hour stop. Day Use parking is $3.

Here is the official website.

I visited this spring, on April 15, 2018. During my hour-long visit I recorded 26 species and walked the entirety of the park, about a mile total. Here is my eBird list.

I share these two photo crops of a White-winged Dove. The light was a bit harsh, and the photo is backlit. Nevertheless, I thought these turned out quite well.

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