
Thursday, August 2, 2018


Sometimes you are happy just to get a documentation photo, and don't care too much about the artistic merits. There was no way I was going to get eye-level with this guy! At 6 feet away I was close enough already.

Western Rattlesnake
Western Rattlesnake
Western Rattlesnake
Western Rattlesnake. Dixon Lake, Escondido, California. June 29, 2018.
As I was walking around the fishing trail at Dixon Lake I noted a man who was coming toward me, but had stopped. The snake was coiled and facing him, rattling away! This snake was at least 4 feet long, perhaps a bit more. They get to 5 feet long. I am always surprised by how stout they are throughout their length.

I don't see rattlesnakes very often. As a child, growing up in Oregon, I was always turning over rocks and logs looking for snakes and lizards and salamanders. Poisonous snakes were very unlikely in northwestern Oregon. Not so in southern California. I have outgrown the urge to seek for critters under rocks and logs now. I would like to see sidewinder in the desert though.

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