
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Photogenic Western Bluebirds at Buddy Todd Park

Close Bluebirds in the morning sun are always a joy to photograph.

Here are two pair of photos of Western Bluebirds that are more artistic than many of my shots.

The first pair of photos show a male Western Bluebird in a tree with reddish leaves--perhaps a plum tree, but perhaps something totally different. Ornamental trees in San Diego can be native to any other part of the planet. I thought the contrasting color of the wine red leaves against the dark green background was nice, and love that the background of more distant trees was pleasingly out-of-focus. the little branch up the breast detracts a bit, but perhaps not too much.

Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird. Oceanside, California. September 16, 2018.
Western Bluebird
1/800 sec, f/5.6 @400mm, ISO 160.
The second set of bluebird photos came from a few minutes later. One is cropped more closely than the other. The background is similar to the first set of photos. So is the angle of the light. For all I know it might have been the same bird in the same tree as the first set!

Western Bluebird
1/800 sec, f/7.1 @400mm, ISO 200
Western Bluebird

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