
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Up Close with a Pacific-slope Flycatcher

Pacific-slope Flycatchers are San Diego County's most numerous resident and migrant Empidonax flycatchers--those little (4.75-6 inches long) olive-green look-a-likes with wing bars and eye rings.

Pacific-slope Flycatcher

I was able to get these photos recently at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery which is a location where many migrants pass through in fall.

Pacific-slope Flycatcher

Key field marks for this species include the long primary extension, wide bill all-yellow underneath, teardrop-shaped eye ring, and yellow throat. The buffy wing bars--rather than white--indicate this is likely an immature bird.

Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Pacific-slope Flycatcher. San Diego, California. September 2, 2018.
Usually they are tucked up under the lower shady branches of forest trees--miserable conditions for photography. I was delighted to find this bird out in the open.

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