
Friday, October 12, 2018

Common Tern at Imperial Beach

While walking the beach I came upon a group of gulls resting on the wrack line. With them, off to the side, was this Common Tern.

There are at least 6 tern species one might expect on the beach in southern California. So making sure of the identification was the first order of business that occupied me while also fiddling with camera settings to get the correct exposure and trying to line up a decent composition. The short red legs, red bill with black tip, and the dark carpal bar on the wing, all clinched the ID as Common Tern.

Common Terns were formerly common spring and fall migrants in San Diego, but have been much less common since the 1970's. They are more frequently found offshore than along the beach. April, May, August, and September are excellent times to record this species on pelagic birding trips at sea.

Common Tern at Imperial Beach, California
Common Tern at Imperial Beach, California
Common Tern at Imperial Beach, California
Common Tern at Imperial Beach, California

Surprise! As Marlene and I walked out the Imperial Beach Pier this bird (I assume the same individual) decided it was fishing time and circled the pier numerous times. I was able to get a couple of decent photos.

Common Tern at Imperial Beach, California
Common Tern at Imperial Beach, California
Common Tern. Imperial Beach, California. September 30, 2018.

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