
Monday, February 11, 2019

My first attempt at video: Rock Wren at Lake Hodges

I got out before the rain, yesterday, to walk around Lake Hodges. I wanted to try video on my Canon 7D Mark II and 100-400mm lens.

The light conditions were not good. There weren't many cooperative birds. I don't have an external microphone and didn't use a tripod. The video wasn't too bad for my first attempt. If I do this in the future I must have the camera on a tripod.

Here it is:

I noted that the camera's microphone picked up distant traffic on the freeway, boat motors, and people walking on the gravel path. So I dropped audio way down. If I bought a microphone I could add narration. If I had a decent still shot I could insert that as well, but none of my photos really turned out. I used a very simple and basic video editor for my first time.

This could be addictive!


  1. Awesome! I've been wanting to shoot some video as well - this is good inspiration!

  2. I think the trick will be in mastering the video editor.


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