
Sunday, February 3, 2019

On the web: Tim Boyer Photography: Basic Video for Bird Photography

Tim at Tim Boyer Photography has just completed a 3-part tutorial on his YouTube channel: Basic Video for Bird Photography.

I want to start shooting video with my camera. On my camera about 6 seconds of video is the same size as a single large RAW image, so there should be room on my memory card for over 2-1/2 hours of video, if my battery holds up.

Check out his 3 videos outlined as follows.

Part 1: The 3 Deadly  Sins (6:34) January 9, 2019
  • Bad audio
  • Shaky footage
  • Out-of-focus

Part 2: 7 Key Techniques to Master (7:45) January 16, 2019
  • Manual mode (24fps, shutter speed 1/50 sec)
  • Aperture (f8 for better depth of field, wide open for blurred background)
  • Constant white balance
  • ISO to adjust exposure
  • Lock-down shot
  • Short clips edited to 4-6 seconds each
  • Establishing shot, plan your story

Part 3: 7 More Things to Master (4:16) January 23, 2019
  • Tell a story (wide, medium, tight shots)
  • Shoot plenty of B Roll
  • Slow pan
  • Don't zoom in and out while shooting
  • Pull focus technique
  • Audio (dead cat, wireless mic)
  • Editing transitions

Tim has enabled sharing for Blogger, so I assume he wants me to share it with you. Here's the first part embedded.

Tim has also written a book on bird photography and leads photography workshop tours. Check it out on his webpage: Tim Boyer Photography.

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