
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Ring-billed Gull in Coronado

Ring-billed Gull. Coronado, California
Ring-billed Gull. Coronado, California. December 30, 2018. Greg Gillson.
The smaller Ring-billed Gull vies with California Gull as the second most common gull species in San Diego, behind the Western Gull. Here is a typical adult in non-breeding plumage. Key field marks are the pale gray back and wing coverts, yellowish legs, and pale eye. The ring around the bill is unique to adult Ring-bills, but immatures of many gull species can show a similar ring.

See additional photos of Ring-billed Gulls in San Diego as posted to eBird. Click on the photos to rate (1 awful, 2 poor but identifiable, 3 average or small, 4 very good, 5 magazine cover worthy).

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