
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Western Grebes in San Diego Bay

Western Grebe, San Diego Bay.
Western Grebe, San Diego Bay.
Western Grebe, San Diego Bay.
Western Grebe, San Diego Bay.
Western Grebe, San Diego Bay. January 1, 2019. Greg Gillson.
The Western Grebes above were photographed from our chartered boat on the January 1st pelagic birding trip. They were right in the marina next to the docks. The first photo was taken in the early morning and has that warm golden glow many find pleasing. The other photos were in early afternoon.

Western Grebes are common wintering birds on large lakes, bays, and nearshore ocean waters. They also breed on large inland lakes. Western Grebes are more numerous than Clark's Grebes, in the same locales and seasonality, but Clark's seem to me to be more numerous on fresh water lakes as opposed to ocean, at least in my experience both in Oregon and southern California.

Follow this eBird link to other photos of Western Grebes in San Diego ordered by highest quality. Click on the photos to rate (1 awful, 2 poor but identifiable, 3 average or small, 4 very good, 5 magazine cover worthy).

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