
Friday, April 5, 2019

American Robin in Borrego Springs

American Robins aren't too rare during winter in the residential areas of Borrego Springs--especially those lush green lawns on the golf courses!

A dozen or more were in the hedges at our motel right in the town of Borrego Springs in March. They should be migrating soon up into the nearby mountain forests or even farther north. In Oregon I remember early February days with hundreds of robins migrating north--sometimes while there was still snow on the ground. I suspect those kept on going, all the way to Alaska. Any robins still in southern California in mid-March are possibly (but not positively) local breeders in the nearby mountains.

American Robin
American Robin
American Robin
A drink and a dip at the pool. American Robin. Borrego Springs, California. March 17, 2019.

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