
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Black-footed Albatross off San Diego

After 9 hours our pelagic trip was nearly over, and we were heading back toward port. We were still about 15 miles offshore, though, when the call of "Albatross!" went up. And there it was: far behind the boat but closing on our stern.

We were still trailing some popcorn and had a flock of gulls behind the boat. The albatross must have thought we had something good to eat. Well, albatrosses like popcorn just fine, though they'd probably rather have their favorite food--squid!

Albatrosses are fairly rare off San Diego. Trips in April, May, and June frequently will record one. They are sometimes found in August, but generally not later.

Black-footed Albatross
Black-footed Albatross
Black-footed Albatross
Black-footed Albatross
Black-footed Albatross. Off San Diego. June 9, 2019.

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