
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Nazca Booby and Masked Booby on same pelagic trip!

For the first time in 4 years I took a pelagic trip out from San Diego Bay without spotting any of the formerly rare Brown Booby. However, we made up for it with two black-and-white boobies--one each of Nazca and Masked Booby.

The first was an adult Nazca Booby within 5 miles of the mouth of San Diego Bay first thing in the morning. It was in the water and allowed great photos before flying off. The pinkish tinge to the bill separates Nazca from Masked Booby. Several Nazca Boobies showed up in San Diego Bay this winter. Perhaps they rode boats up from the south.

Nazca Booby
Nazca Booby
Nazca Booby
Nazca Booby. Off San Diego, California. June 10, 2018.
Nazca Booby

Later in the day farther north off La Jolla, another booby did a fly-over of the boat, as typical for boobies. This bird had a yellow or yellow-green tinged bill. The white collar around the neck also indicates this bird was Masked Booby and not Nazca. A Masked Booby or two had been reported recently from shore at La Jolla.

Masked Booby
Masked Booby
Masked Booby. Off San Diego, California. June 10, 2018.

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