
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Western Kingbird on barbed wire

I made a quick stop on Kitchen Creek Road this spring. I walked eastward about a half mile on the Pacific Crest Trail. This is one of the only known areas in San Diego County where one can reasonably expect the Gray Vireo.

No Gray Vireo for me this time. So I settled for this roadside shot out the car window of Western Kingbird.

Western Kingbird
Western Kingbird. Kitchen Creek Road, San Diego County, California. April 15, 2018.
Western Kingbird

1 comment:

  1. I have Western Kingbirds that have returned for a third year to nest in a plum tree in my yard. I live in the Mohave desert. I wonder where these Western Kingbirds go to live for the winter. Maybe down in San Diego?


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