
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Eurasian Wigeon in Borrego Springs

Eurasian Wigeon is a rare winter visitor with about 5-10 sightings per winter in the San Diego region.

A pair (presumably the same pair?) has wintered the past 3 years at the Roadrunner Golf & Country Club ponds in Borrego Springs. The male is easier to pick out. Females can appear similar to the female American Wigeon with their contrasting gray heads, or have brown heads matching the flanks. I have photos below.

Be aware that American and Eurasian Wigeon have frequent hybrids that show a combination of characters on the sides and flanks and head (though a small green eye patch doesn't necessarily indicate a hybrid on an otherwise solid Eurasian Wigeon).

Male Eurasian Wigeon. Borrego Springs, California. February 18, 2019.
Three males and a female American Wigeon.
A female and male Eurasian Wigeon.
Male Eurasian Wigeon
Female Eurasian Wigeon with brown head matching sides.
Female American Wigeon showing gray head and brown sides.
Male Eurasian Wigeon
More photos of Eurasian Wigeon in San Diego from eBird. Click on the photos to rate (1 awful, 2 poor but identifiable, 3 average or small, 4 very good, 5 magazine cover worthy). (Rating eBird photos: How and why.)

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