
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Lark Sparrow at Lake Hodges

Lark Sparrows are fairly common in San Diego County inland at least 5 miles from the ocean. They like farms, orchards, pastures. I have found them to be especially abundant around Lake Henshaw.

However, I recently found a few singing birds at Lake Hodges, where I encounter them much less frequently in the coastal sage scrub. Here they are pictured on a laurel sumac tree/bush, one of only a few in the immediate area.

Lark Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Lark Sparrow. Lake Hodges, California. January 25, 2019.
Lark Sparrow
Lark Sparrow

More photos of Lark Sparrow in San Diego from eBird. Click on the photos to rate (1 awful, 2 poor but identifiable, 3 average or small, 4 very good, 5 magazine cover worthy). (How and why.)

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