I'm now on Day 10 since my rotator cuff surgery. I'm happy to report that all seems fine--not even really any pain, just some stiffness and minor bruising. Nevertheless, my arm remains immobile in a sling (but notice I can still type...).
Marlene took me for a ride today! (Go for a ride? Go for a ride? Oh boy! Oh boy!) So we went to Oceanside where a family of Least Bitterns has been reported below the bridge over the San Luis Rey River mouth. Since I can't hold up a camera yet, Marlene took the photos here.
Juvenile Great-tailed Grackle. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
Male Great-tailed Grackle. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
Ruddy Duck. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
Pied-billed Grebe. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
Juvenile Green Heron. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
Juvenile Great Blue Heron. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
Juvenile Black-crowned Night-Heron. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
Snowy Egret. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
Snowy Egret. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
Red-necked Phalarope. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
I was really happy when this Sora crept out from the sedges. This is the best view I've had in several decades of this normally shy water wader that hides in emergent vegetation. And Marlene got this great photo, too!
Sora. Oceanside, California. August 9, 2015. Photo by Marlene Gillson. |
It was at this point that Marlene's promised cup of coffee could wait no longer. So she took the camera back to the car and I followed a "
cuk-cuk" call back over the bridge. There! Two fuzzy-headed Least Bitterns clinging to the rushes!
Can I? Nope. Can't manage to take a photo with my phone through my binoculars. Can't digi-bin with one hand. Drat. Okay, phone pic only...
Photo by Greg Gillson :-( |
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